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Welcome to the “Resources” section of LabMACS, your gateway to a wealth of knowledge and educational materials. Whether you’re a student at Università Politecnica delle Marche, an educator, or one of our esteemed partners, this section is designed to provide you with access to cutting-edge resources.


What You’ll Find Here

Online Courses: Dive into our comprehensive online courses that cover a range of topics, especially based on education robotics. Our courses are designed to accommodate various levels of expertise, so whether you’re a beginner or an expert, you’ll find valuable content here. Access a treasure trove of educational materials, from lecture notes and presentations to reference guides and research papers. We believe in the power of open education, and these materials are available to enhance your learning experience.

Tutorials: Gain practical insights and hands-on experience through our tutorials. These resources offer step-by-step guidance and demonstrations to help you apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Learn how to program robots, conduct experiments, and more.

Collaborative Projects: Explore project-specific resources from our collaborative initiatives. Discover the latest developments, case studies, and project documentation to stay informed and engaged with our ongoing research endeavors.

Who Can Benefit

Students: UNIVPM students have exclusive access to course materials to support their academic journey. Whether you’re enrolled in a related program or simply interested in expanding your knowledge, these resources are here to empower your learning.

Educators: Teachers and professors can find valuable resources to enhance their classroom instruction or design new courses. Use our materials as a foundation for your curriculum or adapt them to suit your educational objectives.

Partners: Collaborative partners can stay updated on the progress of our joint initiatives through project-specific resources. These materials offer insights into project goals, methodologies, and findings.

Get Started

To begin your exploration of our educational resources, simply click on “Course and Tutorial” and pick the course of your interest. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or for further assistance if you do not  have access to the reserved area.

At LabMACS, we’re committed to fostering knowledge exchange and providing the tools you need to excel in the world of marine and educational robotics. We invite you to make the most of this section and embark on a journey of discovery and learning.