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Our laboratory is dedicated to spearheading projects in Marine and Educational Robotics, each designed with a unique purpose and a shared commitment to pushing the boundaries of technological and educational advancements. 

LabMACS stands at the forefront of cutting-edge projects that blend technology, robotics, and education. We believe in the power of interdisciplinary collaboration to address real-world challenges and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. 

Robotic Education Projects

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Through the development of a RoboAquaria toolkit, the project aims to foster student environmental sustainability while learning about robotics, digital and STEM skills to be integrated into the school curricula.

Project ID: 2022-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000089578 

Website: Roboaquaria

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E-TECH aims to develop a comprehensive ebook with practical advice and tips on online teaching at the academic level, designed to enhance the skills of both students and teachers in STEM and digital fields.

Project ID: 2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-096375

Website: E-tech

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RoboPisces aims to promote actions in the field of STEAM and digital skill education through the use of Educational Robotics, creating an attractive learning environment. The RoboFISH toolkit supports the activities developed during the project, which are collected in the RoboPisces curriculum.

Project ID: 2019-1-IT02-KA201-063073

Website: RoboPisces

Marine Robotics Projects

Logo grigio

The MAXFISH project aims to revolutionize multi-robot control in the underwater domain, combining a cutting-edge methodological approach, through the innovative use of Max-Plus algebra, with state-of-the-art implementation solutions. Concretely, it results in a swarm of robotic fish that cooperate and collaborate in the resolution of tasks, thus creating both a physical and digital NGC (Navigation, Guidance and Control) system. 

Website: MaxFish

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Life Delfi

Life Delfi aim of reducing interactions between dolphins and fishing activities, the project involves the study and creation of a low-cost handmade hydrophone as an effective solution for continuous monitoring of dolphin vocalizations

Website: LifeDelfi

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DiveSafe is a European Project started in January 2019 and co-funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund of the European Union. The main objective of DiveSafe is to integrate existing technologies in order to deliver to the diving market (primarily professional/scientific and secondarily recreational) an innovative product that will allow divers to safely and efficiently conduct underwater surveys for accomplishing tasks related to visual census, photographic and photogrammetric documentation, exploration of unknown areas, search and recovery, touristic visit of wide underwater sites, etc.

Project ID: EASME/EMFF/2017/

Website: DiveSafe


Lab4Dive creates a compact solution to make underwater exploration and survey missions safer and more efficient. The system includes a propulsion vehicle, a tablet with a camera and detection apps, an acoustic positioning system, wearable sensors, and a remote server. The EU funded project Lab4Dive, closed in February 2019, realized a ready-to-market system for enhancing the documentation of underwater archaeological sites. Business experts, stakeholders, young researchers, tutors and end users worked together to design, develop, and validate an innovative, marketable and competitive product, a “Portable Smart Lab”. This allowed archaeologists to acquire geo-localized photos, to create orthophotos or 3D reconstructions of the scenes. In addition, they could collect environmental data from other sensors.

Project ID: EASME/EMFF/2016/ is an academic platform born in 2015 which allows students to work in team developing and testing new technologies for underwater Robotics. It can be employed to monitor underwater environment and archaeological sites. The project develops a cost effective, modular and highly extensible biomimetic AUV. This project arises from the joint effort of the departments of Information Engineering (DII) and Industrial and Mathematic Sciences Engineering (DIISM) from UnivPM. 


OptoCOMM is part of the EU FP7 SUNRISE project. It has developed and demonstrated a high-speed Optical Underwater Wireless Communication (OUWC) link as new technology integrated in the Littoral Ocean Observatory Network (LOON) test-bed of the SUNRISE infrastructures [10 Mbps – 10 m]. In the context of this project, LabMACS participated in the design and development of the electronics and of the waterproof housing for the optical modems. 


DocuScooter is a data collection platform realized within the EU funded project GreenBubbles. Divers of all kinds can control a commercial scooter equipped with sensors, cameras and high luminosity lights through an android tablet that works also as a navigator. 

Other projects 

Furthemore, we worked in several national and international projects dealing with the scientific documentation of underwater archaeological sites, like the 4-year study in the roman shipwreck Dolia of Marciana Marina (Isola d’Elba) funded by the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities (MIBAC) and the study of the archaeological site in Kolocep (Dubrovnik, Croatia) in cooperation with the University of Zadar for UNESCO.