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Other areas of interest

AI Innovation 

LabMACS focuses on AI to create intelligent systems that revolutionize decision-making, automate tasks, and enhance human-machine collaboration. From educational robotics to marine exploration, our AI initiatives aim for real-world impact and innovation. 

CPS Integration  

In the realm of Cyber-Physical Human Systems, LabMACS crafts systems that seamlessly integrate the digital and physical worlds. The goal is to adapt to human behaviors, optimize processes, and elevate the quality of life through human-centric design.

Max-plus Algebra

 LabMACS has expertise in studying and modeling production systems on both small and large scales. In recent years, we have tackled these challenges theoretically using advanced mathematical tools such as max-plus algebra, to reduce time and costs while considering available resources and operational constraints. Max-plus algebra has proven to be highly useful and applicable to various control problems, such as the Model Matching Problem.

    • The model matching problem for max-plus linear systems: A geometric approach (2023)
      Animobono, D., Scaradozzi, D., Zattoni, E., Perdon, A. M., Conte, G.
    • The Model Matching Problem for Switching Max-Plus Systems: a Geometric Approach (2022)
      Animobono, D., Scaradozzi, D., Zattoni, E., Perdon, A. M., Conte, G.
    • Invariance causale contrôlée pour les systèmes max-plus linéaires (2023)
      Bartolucci, V., Loiseau, J. J., Martinez, C., Scaradozzi, D.